Canon - I Have Overlooked You

I recently looked into buying a Canon EOS R series camera. More specifically, the R5. On first use, I quickly found that it was far from what I am used to with camera operations. Adjusting focus area while looking through the EVF, switching modes, applying in-camera photo effects. This led me to return the camera after a day of use. After more research, I found that my initial critiques were way off.

Adjusting the focus area was just a setting I overlooked. Switching modes is actually better. And I found it to be something that I don't do often enough to be an issue. And although the default picture styles seem limited, Canon actually allows you to create your own picture styles using a dedicated app. Those picture styles (max 3) can then be uploaded to your camera. The editor seems limited at first, but once you understand how it works, it becomes a creative addition to your photography.

Canon offers 7 picture styles that can be downloaded from its website. Other user-created picture styles were challenging to find, but after some extensive digging around, I managed to locate over 100 picture styles that have been created and shared.

I am actually looking into creating an online app that allows users to see what the various picture styles look like when applied to multiple photos.

Stay Tuned!